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For Sale 3000 Watts Harley Citycoco Electric ...


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World Moto
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Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 628
Référence : 116835

Détail de l'annonce

For Sale 3000 Watts Harley Citycoco Electric scooter fat tyres

If you are in the market for a high quality, powerful, durable, affordable, and fast electric scooter; supported by the best customer service and parts availability…. then look no further!

A powerful electronic engine, which does not make noise and does not harm the environment.

Electric scooter citycoco HL 3.0. is the strongest citycoco scooter on the market.

Motor power is 3000W and the battery is 20ah.

in Price is: $500USD

Contact us through the following Email below:

whatsapp chat: +14848419285

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