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Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 555
Référence : 115904

Détail de l'annonce

Vendors and suppliers’ relationship management :

Create purchase requests / orders (PO’s) – TPflow o Ensure goods received notes (GRN’s) are raised on receipt of goods o Managing purchases in line with company policy and processes (TPflow) o Contracts

Ensure good record keeping of all contracts and contact details, expiry dates, (including lease contracts and car rentals).

Ensure legal and vendor management support and approve all contracts.

Support external & internal audits (ISO audits)

Ensure good communication with suppliers and vendors

Upload and support payment of invoices obtain required approvals and upload payments.

Coordinate communication with finance and/or local accountants on vendor expenses and payments.

Keeping record of all contracts and contact details, expiry dates, including lease contracts and car rentals. Helping with such records during annual external audits as well as internal audits.

Organize travel logistics: visas, tickets, proper recon of expense claims, detailed itineraries, hotel booking and local transportations.

General office management such as ordering stationery, safe-keeping and management of stock and inventories.

Coordinate communication with suppliers and vendors, prepare due invoices, obtain required approvals and upload payments.

Keeping up to date record of stamps and company seals for locations covered.

Keeping track of all ops disbursements to Clients and refunds to applicants and completing daily sales (accounting) reports at local level.

Assist Ops team in conducting and keeping record of fixed assets inventories.

Contribute to ICQ where appropriate by tracking all mandatory inspection reports (first aid, extinguishers, drills, etc.) i.e Health & safety and buildings/construction licenses

Keeping tracking and record for all courier/postage for Zone, Country and OPS management

Print and scan all documents to be signed by management.

Arranging logistics and booking conference rooms for both inter

HR assistance

Support HR administrative tasks, such keeping work contracts up to date

Be the link between HR ad the employees (missions, promotions, hr communications ..)

Supporting HR team on putting in place company benefits, benchmarking …

Supporting hr to gather payroll elements for each month

Supporting HR on backfilling positions and new staff hiring and contribute on facilitating their onboarding

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