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stage marketing digital à Marrakech au Maroc


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Oriental Group
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Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 303
Référence : 136560

Détail de l'annonce

We are looking for interns (M/F) in digital commerce and SEO in the sale of essential oils, oils of argans and cosmetic products.

For over 10 years, the company Oriental Group exports its products worldwide making us a company with international influence.
The demand for essential oils and cosmetics increasing in recent years and with the strong development of digital, we must develop and that is why we are looking for motivated interns.

Location: Sidi Ghanem industrial zone in Marrakech
Type: B to B
Field of activity: Digital marketing SEO
Desired level: Beginners accepted

The internship is not paid

Your missions:
- Participate in the preparation of marketing campaigns
- Interface with partners, setting up partnerships
- Detailed competitive intelligence
- Creation of content, sales tools, editing and distribution of content.

Are you looking for an internship for a period of 1 to 6 months?
Then join the team and become our future champion!


- Mastery of the main marketing levers and tools
- Good command of English
- Rigor, autonomy, writing skills
- Respect for deadlines, ability to work in a group, resistance to stress
- Minimum education: BAC +2

Please send your resume and motivation letter to:

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