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Fs: We provide convenient, cost-effective way...


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Nombre de vues : 438
Référence : 114964

Détail de l'annonce

We provide convenient, cost-effective way to purchase your computer hardware. you email us and obtain information about the latest products at a very competitive price.

Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti Graphics Card

NVidia RTX 3080 GPU with 10GB VRAM

Antminer Bitmain S19J Pro, SHA-256 with Hashrate, 100.00TH/s

Antminer Bitmain S19J, SHA-256 with Hashrate, 90.00TH/s

Antminer Bitmain S19 Pro, SHA-256 with Hashrate, 110.00TH/s

Antminer Bitmain S19, SHA-256, with Hashrate, 95,00TH/s

ORX Fan 4.0: A masterpiece of teamwork, fan blades work in pairs to create unprecedented levels of focused air pressure.
Core Pipe: Precision-crafted heat pipes ensure max contact to the GPU and spread heat along the full length of the heatsink.
NVidia RTX 3080 GPU with 10GB VRAM
DisplayPort x 3 / HDMI x 1
Mystic Light gives you complete control of the RGB lighting for MSI devices and compatible RGB products.
Airflow Control: Don't sweat it, Airflow Control guides the air to exactly where it needs to be for maximum cooling.

WhatsApp : +1 (315) 496-8924

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