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Summer Youth English Courses with American In...


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Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 86
Référence : 154162

Détail de l'annonce

We are located in TEMARA. Institut Américain d'Anglais Temara is the ONLY American Language INSTITUTE in the RABAT / SALE / TEMARA area.

We teach English to kids, teens, adults and professionals and prepare students for TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, GRE, GMAT and SAT. We are independent of any affiliation, subsidy or organization.We have more than 3000 enrolled and who come from Rabat, Salé, Temara and regions.We have American, Moroccan and British teachers who are internationally certified and passionate with many years of proven experice in TEFL. Our snt.
more about us at :

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