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Factory direct price houses from bungalow to ...


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Group AsiaWest
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Statistiques de l'annonce

Nombre de vues : 477
Référence : 117409

Détail de l'annonce

Hello everyone
We build many houses around the world (in kits which we export from China).
We can build ourselves and offer a total finish to furniture or appliances, solar panels and many other solutions for the home.
We offer log, steel frame kit houses with a variety of finishes such as wood, brick, a variety of insulating metal siding, etc., SIP panel houses and many other structural solutions for every region and every climate. Our houses can be anti cyclonic, anti seismic therefore very solid.
Whether it is a bungalow or a 6-storey building, we can respond to all services and deliver turnkey if the customer wishes. They are assembled quickly and easily for an economic question, we deliver the assembly plans.
For any information contact us and ask for our catalogs or videos, also visit our facebook our prices and services are unbeatable

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